Turn Your Idea Into A Financial Windfall

Posted on: 29 March 2019

If you are a skilled seamstess and have come up with the ultimate way to create a waterproof jacket that contains 'LED light up technology', a warming feature, and an adjustable hemline, you may be excited about your 'invention' and be wondering if there is a way that you can patent your creation so that you can earn money for your creativity. The patent process needs to be followed properly and you need to complete research, provide documentation, and make a prototype prior to marketing your idea.

Make Sure That Your Idea Does Not Exist

Search through a list of licensed patents to ensure that your jacket design does not already exist. It would be disappoining to do all of the legwork, including drawing up plans and creating a sample jacket, just to find out that your invention was already made in the past. A search engine can also be used to assist with learning if a similar invention has been introduced beforehand.

If you do find licensed products that include one or more of your jacket's characteristics, you do not necessarily need to forego the patent application. Your creation may be different enough to be considered eligible for a patent. If you are uncertain, it is best to speak to an employee who is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to receive guidance.

Determine If There Is A Target Audience And Prepare Documentation

A new invention is only going to be profitable if there is a target audience who will be interested in your product. Do you plan on marketing the jacket to adults who are outdoor enthusiasts, or are you willing to broaden your target range and include youngsters and toddlers?

The cost of the goods that are needed to create the jacket should contrast well with the amount of money that you plan on selling each jacket for. This will ensure that you earn quite a bit of money with your endeavors. Purchase a bound notebook or journal and jot down all of the ideas that you have that pertain to your invention. Include drawings, a list of materials that are needed to make each jacket, and a detailed description of each feature that the outerwear will possess. 

Create A Prototype Of Your Design And Apply For A Patent

Create a prototype of your jacket. This sample and your written and drawn plans need to be introduced during the patent application. A patent firm will provide you with the tools needed to apply for a patent. If a firm's associate thinks that your jacket is a good idea and is worthy of a patent, you will need to pay a fee to receive assistance with moving through the application process. 

For more information on what invention patent services you need to succeed, contact a patent professional like Vallmar Studio today.
