How Much Preparation Do You Need For An RBT Examination?

Posted on: 27 January 2019

If you're thinking about taking the test to become a registered behavior technician in the near future, you'll need as much preparation as you can possibly handle. This is the best way to increase your chances of passing the exam.

The RBT exam has 75 graded questions and may have up to 10 ungraded questions as well. These questions will be testing your knowledge of different areas of what it means to be a registered behavior technician. Without preparing adequately, handling this many questions in just 90 minutes can be overwhelming.

Knowledge Tests

The most important part of the preparation should be knowing what you're actually required to know as registered behavior technician. The examination will test your knowledge in areas such as:

  • Measurement

  • Skill Acquisition

  • Documentation and reporting

  • Assessment

  • Behavior reduction

The questions you'll be asked will be multiple choice, but without the right knowledge, picking the correct answer will be more challenging than you realize.

Time Management Skills

Although it's important to know your stuff before you take the exam, it's important to realize that many people have failed the exam because of an entirely different reason.

You may be required to answer as many as 85 questions in only ninety minutes. This means that you may have slightly more than a minute to answer any one question.

One of the most important skills that you have to learn while preparing for the RBT exam is how to manage your time. With so little time available, you could take too much time trying to get past one question when you could be answering other easier questions. Practicing how to manage your time can help you to avoid not being able to finish the test.

How Can You Prepare for the RBT Exam?

There are different ways that you can go about preparing for the RBT exam. Some people prefer to spend hours pouring over textbooks and other documents so they can consume every bit of information. However, signing up for the RBT examination preparation training online is a more effective way of readying yourself for the exam.

There is no telling which questions will be asked in the exam, but doing an exam prep can ensure that you are knowledgeable in all the different areas and also familiar with the types of questions that may be asked. In addition to this, you will also learn how to handle questions within a short period of time.
